Art Show in Hollin Hills
"Life at the Fox Theater", Linda L Volrath, 20" x 16",Oil on Linen
Linda and I participated in a group art show Sunday March 15th in the Hollin Hills subdivision in Alexandria, VA, Hosted by Chris and Jean Koppen. The four artists invited to take over the Koppen's mid-century modern home were Ian Bird, Merrill Warschoff Press, Linda Volrath, and Steven J Parrish. The show consisted of a wide range of art from small pottery bowls to a 6 foot wide map of the USA made of found objects, Linda and I provided 17 paintings. Around 70 people attended the show and every ones art was well received and appreciated. We were successful in starting some new art collections, and adding to others. Thank you to all those patrons who purchased art, it is always an honor to have our work added to someones home.
"USA Map", Ian Bird, Size: Big, Found Objects on Panel
We would like to thank Chris and Jean for the tremendous effort on their part of organizing and hosting this Art Show. You are wonderful hosts, art patrons, and most of all friends, it was a real success.
Art of Ian Bird and Linda Volrath
Art of Merrill Warschoff Press and Linda Volrath
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