Friday, May 23, 2008

"Recent Plein Air Studies"

"Plein Air Study, Azaleas in the Rain" Linda Volrath, 8 x 10, Oil on Linen

"Plein Air Study, Dogwood in Bloom" Steven J Parrish, 9 x 12, Oil on Linen

These two paintings are examples of Plein Air quick studies that we have done since we took Kenn Backhaus's Workshop last month (See post below). Linda and I both learned a great deal from Kenn and will continue to use what he taught us in our landscape paintings.

We are now both busy painting for upcoming shows, hopefully I can post some of them in the near future.


Steve sculpts critters said...

I thought they were digital paintings at first glance.

brett said...

I really enjoy your work.

LL Volrath & SJ Parrish said...

Thanks Brett, it's always nice to hear from people who enjoy our work.

Steven and Linda