Sunday, April 11, 2010

Masters of Foxhounds Association Centennial book

"Side Saddle Charm", Linda Volrath, 12 x 16, Oil on Masonite

The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFHA) centennial book 1907 to 2007 has been published and is now available. The book covers the last 100 years of fox hunting and Foxhounds history and includes two of Linda's equestrian paintings. Linda is honored that her art was selected for inclusion in this monumental project.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Morven Park Commission:

"Morven Park Mansion", Linda Volrath, 14 x 18, Oil on Linen

This painting of the mansion at Morven Park in Leesburg Virginia was commissioned by the Westmoreland Davis Foundation as a gift for retiring Executive Director Will O'Keefe. It was presented at a reception held in the newly renovated section of the mansion. It was through Mr O'Keefe's tireless efforts that the mansion is in the process of a massive restoration. The reception and the mansion were in fine form. Thank you to the Foundation Board of Directors for giving Linda the opportunity to honor the career of Mr O'Keefe and the beautiful historic property at Morven Park.

We personally wish to thank Mr O'Keefe and others like him who commit to the restoration of America's historic properties.